The Swedish patient association for hyperhidrosis has invited everyone to take part in the walk of sweat to raise awareness about this unfortunate condition. This movement is designed and initiated by the members of the association to break the stigma of excessive sweating.
The Walk of Sweat will take place by association members in different locations around Sweden on September 19th. Members of the hyperhidrosis society and those interested to learn and spread knowledge are warmly welcomed to take a part in the activity, no matter where they are located geographically.
Break the stigma around hyperhidrosis with the walk of sweat
Sweating is a physical condition accepted in everyday situations like walking, jogging, summer times, etc. People affected by hyperhidrosis struggle with sweating beyond the normal level at their job, school, cold weather. In all of the places where people who don’t have this problem don’t sweat. These situations tend to be extremely stressful and cause anxiety. It often causes people to try hiding sweat stains and feel uncomfortable.
These examples, that Hyperhidrosis association stated, in their blog post about the event is one amongst many in the daily life of patients. That’s why it is essential to address these situations and to find ideas and opportunities. They will hopefully lead people to feel less embarrassed when they’re sweating in “forbidden” situations.
- Does telling people about excessive sweating help?
- What places and situations make patients comfortable and safe?
- How can stressful situations and places be less intimidating when sweating?
These are a few amongst many questions that should be discussed to provide information and ideas on making everyone aware of hyperhidrosis.
Where will the walk of sweat take place?
Since the association has members all across Sweden, the movement has the potential to be recognized in multiple places. You can decide to go for a walk by yourself, with your family members or friends. Besides, you can choose any type of activity that fits you instead of walking. The association welcomes members to participate in the movement digitally as well, and to send pictures and videos of them taking their part in raising awareness about hyperhidrosis.
Social media hashtags: #hyperhidrosforeningen #walkofsvett #WOS #hyperhidros #overdrivensvettning #svett #svettigt #viarflera #hyperhidrosis #hyperhidrosisawareness
The main event organized by the board members will take place in Stockholm. The location of the walk of sweat will be decided based on the interest of the general public and members. If you would like to join the board members on the walk, follow the official sites of the association for further information. The event is entirely free.
Follow the public health authorities recommendations
Considering the current situation, it is essential to follow the recommendations given by the public health authorities if you choose to gather together with people. If you’re not feeling well or if you are experiencing any of the symptoms – please choose to stay home. Pay attention to regularly wash your hands, take care of hygiene, and keep the social distance.
Swedish patient association for hyperhidrosis
The Swedish patient association for hyperhidrosis has a goal to represent the interest of people suffering from hyperhidrosis, pathological overproduction of sweat. The association was formed in Sweden in 2011 by a group of patients from the Sweat Clinic in Stockholm.
The purpose of the association is to ensure that people suffering from excessive sweating have the right to financed treatment by authorities, disseminate knowledge about the condition, create contacts between patients and develop further research on hyperhidrosis.

At Hidroxa, our mission is to help people that are affected by hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating. We’re offering a simple, effective, and accessible method for treating hyperhidrosis called iontophoresis.