Not long ago, Giuseppe Gabriele, a young man from Italy discovered his hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) problem and now opened up about his struggles and how hyperhidrosis affects his life. He tried healing creams and deodorants before but without any results. After several failures, he decided to give a chance to our Hidroxa SE 20 iontophoresis machine.
What happens when sweating takes over your life
Hyperhidrosis (also known as excessive sweating) affects patients’ quality of life, resulting in social and work impairment and emotional distress. This often leads to a negative self-image and fear of people’s reactions. Furthermore, it has a negative effect on the mental health of sufferers, especially its youngest sufferers. They are constantly worried about noticeable sweating. Hyperhidrosis affects their ability to participate in school activities, have fun, pursue a career, engage in relationships, and more.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
– Maya Angelou
However, there are many people out there in the world who are struggling with excessive sweating just like you. According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, there are nearly 5% of the world’s population suffers. However, many are too embarrassed to speak up and seek help. They frequently report frustrations or problems with things most people take for granted. This often involves things such as shaking hands or missing out on social gatherings. The condition does interfere with almost every aspect of their lives, from clothing to career choice.
Hyperhidrosis awareness
Hyperhidrosis really doesn’t have the awareness that it should have, considering how many people are living with it. Our aim is to spread hyperhidrosis awareness to help people find more support through sharing their stories so that excessive sweating can be taken seriously and given the research and treatment development it deserves. It is also important to spread the word that there are many treatments available and the symptoms of excessive sweating can be effectively treated.
Living with this condition can make you feel isolated, depressed, confused, and alone, but we want you to know that you are not alone and you are so much more than your diagnosis. It takes a lot of courage to go through life as a sweater and even more to speak about hyperhidrosis.
Giuseppe’s story
Today, through the eyes of a young man Giuseppe Gabriele, here’s a glimpse of the impact hyperhidrosis has on the quality of his life. He is now 19 and discovered this problem 4 years ago.

1. When did you first realize that your sweating was excessive?
Answer: I realized that my sweating was excessive when, even though we were in the middle of winter, my hands and armpits were always sweaty. Unlike my friends, I often had sweat stains on my T-shirts despite the fact that it was cold, not hot. I often avoided wearing T-shirts or sweaters in bright colors so that others would not notice anything.
2. Which body areas are affected by hyperhidrosis and have you tried any treatments before?
Answer: The areas affected by hyperhidrosis are my hands and armpits. I tried some healing creams and deodorant before, but nothing really seemed to work for me.
3. What is the most challenging thing about living with HhS and how does it affect your life? (interference in daily life, technological issues)?
Answer: Hyperhidrosis interferes with my daily life whether it involves going to the gym and being much sweatier than others, shaking someone’s hand and apologizing for wet or damp hands, going to work, and trying to look always clean and tidy making sure to change my shirts several times.
4. Did you try to hide your sweating and did you develop any of the compensated behaviours (for example, did you avoid certain situations, handshaking, carried handkerchiefs, often changing socks, etc.)?
Answer: I try to hide my sweating especially from people I don’t know. What makes living with hyperhidrosis more difficult is the fear of not always being able to hide this discomfort, the fear that others will judge me badly as if I were dirty and did not take care of myself or they might think that I don’t have perfect hygiene.
5. When did you hear of iontophoresis as a treatment option for excessive sweating?
Answer: I started hearing about hyperhidrosis thanks to my doctor who, after having a question? “Doctor, why do I always have sweaty hands and armpits even if I haven’t exercised and it’s not hot?” He examined me and explained at length what hyperhidrosis is and how it manifests. Then I started researching online about different options and available treatments. It is helpful for me to read various stories of people who have had the same discomfort.
6. Are you sceptical to try iontophoresis and will you update us on your results?
Answer: At first, I was a little skeptical but now I’m ready to change my mind and count on Hidroxa for possible positive changes in my life. I started the treatment a few days ago thanks to my sister who, after various researches, decided to entrust herself to Hidroxa. At the moment, I am working hard to follow instructions on how to achieve the best possible results using an iontophoresis machine. I will keep you informed of the results.
Hyperhidrosis in children
After hearing his story, our goal is to educate people that hyperhidrosis can happen at any age and children are no exception. During childhood and adolescence, we form and develop our personalities. Because of hyperhidrosis, they might come across as shy even though they are really not or they might withhold from answering questions in the classroom because they don’t want to raise their hands to show a sweaty armpit or they overall don’t enjoy too much attention.
“In the long run, hyperhidrosis might change their behaviour and who they are in an unwanted way. In some countries, a patient must wait until they turn 18 before their hyperhidrosis can be treated with botox or iontophoresis. This can be devastating for the individual. These treatments are safe with few adverse effects. Children should be allowed treatment when the sweat starts to have a negative impact on their lives. If that treatment should be aluminium chloride, botox or iontophoresis, is up to them and their doctor to decide. But hyperhidrosis is definitely a paediatric disease and mustn’t be neglected. There is no reason not to help these children.”
Sandra Eriksson Mirkovic, MD.
If excessive sweating is affecting your life too – know that you are NOT alone. And remember, together we can make a difference.
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If you want your story to be heard, contact us via email at [email protected] or Facebook/Instagram. We are grateful to Giuseppe Gabriele for sharing his story with us!

A digital marketing specialist who aims to spread the word about hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating. And to all those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, I say – gather as much information as possible and find the treatment that works best for you.